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Letter from the President


“We have all been called prophetically to be God's Arrows of his Supernatural Authority and Power, Peace, Presence and Grace to the Nations of the World”

Acts 1:8– Prophet Monnie



There is a divine ordained well in you that is looking to be stirred, the waters of many streams and has lots of gems in there, you have an assignment and a divine purpose. Being able to find and fulfil your purpose could be and is the greatest adventure one can have in this life, this should be a top priority for every born-again believer.


The Christian life is the most exciting journey one can walk in, and few things are more boring than mere religion. You are called to a place of supernatural life and to have an abundance of it.


The vision of Throne University is to help equip you prophetically to understand, know and fulfil your highest divine purpose and assignment in life.


Anyone who has received Christ as their saviour "Christian" has a divine calling and a kingdom mission. Not every Christian is called to be a pulpiteer, most are called to fulfil their assignment in everyday situations and places, such as business, the arts, government, media, the military, or other vocations, as well as in missions or the church.


Throne University is designed to help every student find and be prepared for their unique calling, and abilities and to walk “the path of the righteous,” which we are promised by God “shines brighter and brighter until the full day”

(See Proverbs 4:18).


Therefore, your life as a child of God should be one of such increasing light and clarity if you remain on the right path.


Our goal is to help you become firmly established on that divine path which God designed for you before the world was created.


In the book of John 10, we are told in the word of God that the Lord’s sheep know his voice, and because they know His voice, they follow Him. The path or the destiny of the righteous is to follow our King and to do His perfect will. Therefore, knowing the voice of the Lord is an especially important thing when it comes to our Christian walk and basic to our instructions as Christians.


If this is your basic devotion, to know Him, walk with Him in His will and do as he instructs you, then you will fit well at Throne University, and we would love to have you join us.


I personally believe strongly you will find that all our courses are very practical, but they will also inspire you prophetically to fulfil the ultimate purpose of every human being—to love God more than anything else, to do His will, and by this, to love others because God is love.


We want you to enjoy, have peace of mind and love your time at Throne University, Furthermore, our goal is to see you walk and love God more. Doctrines and principles are important and can help us in our growth and walk with God, but only those who are in love with Him will never quit. You are called first and most prominently to love God, and that too is our highest purpose at Throne University.


In His service,


Prophet Reindolf Monnie Dka


Founder of Royalthrone Triumphant Ministries, Throne University, and Royal-City Prophetic Movement.

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