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Semester OneSchool of the Prophet Who is a prophetic person Different types of prophets Understanding the prophetic Prophetic ethics
Semester TwoProphets and Prophecy Basic Training for Prophetic Ministry Basic Training for Prophetic Activation Prayer, intercession, and Warfare Wisdom, knowledge and understanding
Semester OneOffice of the Prophet Major and Minor Prophet Prophetic counselling Love and Prophecy Prophetic Leadership
Semester TwoProphetic Audacity Behavior and character as a faith person Gift of prophecy, the spirit of prophecy Practicing Manifestation Dreamers, Dreams, Visions & Trance
Semester OneProphets and Kings Kingdom financial stewardship Family and ministry (how to keep the home balance) Character and Spiritual Maturity- Mindset Activating your dream world
Semester TwoThe School of Joseph (principles to rule in business and governance) Prophetic Revivals Seed sowing and giving Dreamers, Dreams, Visions and Trance supernatural healing and deliverance
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