Monthly Declarations
1. God will overwhelm you with mercies
2. Something extraordinary will begin in your life
3. It will be said congratulations
4. Your laughter will double
5. God will work wonders in your life. Even the earth will bear witness
6. You will not experience wasted resources
7. That which you need to know to move to the next level shall not be hidden from you
8. You will experience supernatural prophetic encounters
9. The little shall become many
10. Good health shall be your portion and he will crown you with divine prosperity
11. You will experience divine speed
12. I will make it available
13. You will experience unexplainable abundance
14. I will give you beauty for ashes
15. The wisdom of Esther will be made available to all
16. I will release angelic assistance like never before
17. I will educate my people in areas where they lack knowledge
18. Because the opinions of people don't matter in your life, I will make your name great
19. There will be financial increase, and I will introduce multiple streams of income
20. It did not happen yesterday, but in August it will happen
21. I will command the earth to curse those who would want to use the elements of the world against you
22. The joy of the Lord will be THE strength
23. Multiple windows and doors that I opened in the past, I will double them
24. Angels have been released to crush the altars that have raised themselves again
25. The chains are broken
26. He will keep you